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4 Quick Thoughts on Building your Dreams

In the last few months I have really begin to understand what it means to walk in my own purpose. It started with a small idea, and is growing into this much larger vision for the future. I want to encourage all of my Dreamers to follow your dreams and to walk in your own purpose with a goal to have a life worth living. Building a dream is not easy work. If you ask anyone who has had a vision and have achieved it you know that it did not happen overnight and that it took a lot of hard work and dedication to reach where they are today. With all that being said here are 4 thoughts on how to build your dreams into a reality and creating your own life worth living.

1) Believe in your dream
As cliché or as simple as it sounds the first thing you need to build a dream is to believe your dream is valid. Since we were kids, or at least teenagers we have heard people tell us to be realistic and that unless your dream is to have a 9-5 with benefits your dreams are just wishful thinking. I am sure there are millions of people out there who have had brilliant ideas for businesses or their lives in generally who decided that the “realistic” route should be the road they travel, but I am telling you right now that if you have a vision for your life…believe in it! You may have a vision that will lead you in a direction to change the world, or at least the immediate world around you. Don’t be selfish, believe in your dream and change the world!

2) Study your craft
Once you believe in what you see for yourself, what you envision for your future, you have to prepare for it. Begin studying what it will take to propel you into your vision. You may have a vision to start a local youth program, begin finding groups and resources that support youth. If your vision is to start your own company, talk to local business owners or research what it takes to open a business. Putting in the work to understand whatever it is you want to do is a key to not only living your dream, but also being a success once your dream becomes a reality. Absorb all the knowledge you can that will enrich your ability to live your dream.

3) Find your team
Learning is great and necessary, but dream building is also about the team you create to make it happen. Your team should consist of like-minded individuals who are ready to succeed in the same ways you are. Building a network of people that can help you reach your goal is essential because you don’t know everything and no one expects you to be able to do everything alone. If you want to start a business but lack accounting skills add someone to your team who has the needed skills to assist you. In return there will come a day when you may be able to assist them in some way. Don’t be afraid to network and meet new people. You never know who may greatly impact your life and help your dreams flourish.

4) Just Do it!
Last but most important, for a dream to become reality you have to stop just talking and thinking about it and just get started. You do not have to know every single thing there is to know, you just have to have a willingness to learn and grow as you go through each step. Actions will forever and always speak louder than words, and once you put your dreams into motion the universe will direct you in the way that will create your own personal life worth living.

Remember that your dreams are valid and your willingness to achieve them is all it takes to make things happen. You are capable of achieving your dreams or God would not have given you the vision to see them.

Clues to Finding your Passion

Some of us wake up everyday following the same routine, just going through the motions of life all the while feeling like something is missing. Could it be that you’re not quite sure which direction you want to take or that you have yet to discover what exactly makes you wake up in the morning excited to start your day? Perhaps what you are looking for boils down to figuring out what you’re passionate about. Below are a few steps to discovering how to add significance to your life by living out your passion.
Revisit your childhood. What did you love to do?

During the transition into adulthood, many things change about our personalities and preferences but sometimes there are a few things that stick with us forever. Growing up, was there a hobby that you really enjoyed and still find yourself unable to let go of? If so, embrace the fact that you were able to discover what may very well be not only your passion but your purpose in life. Don’t ignore the desire to fulfill childhood dreams.

What is it that you couldn’t imagine living life without doing?
We all have that one thing we absolutely couldn’t imagine never doing again, that one thing that keeps us up in the middle of the night; the thing that changed or even defined who we are. The reason you feel so strongly about possibly having to one day cease the activity or hobby is because you are passionate about it! Deep down inside there is a part of you that yearns to be able to do what you love. If you feel like there is something that you couldn’t imagine living life without doing, then don’t. Do whatever it is that makes your soul happy.

What do you spend hours reading about or watching on TV?
The things that we like to watch on TV, listen to on the radio, and read about the most is a good indication of what our interest are. For example, if you enjoy watching Law and Order then maybe you would do well working within the judicial system.

Explore all aspects of your passion.
Let’s say you’ve finally figured out what your passion is, great! However, that is only the beginning; it’s time to dig a little deeper and evaluate where exactly you fit in because after all each field has many departments and sectors. For instance, a musician might have to consider whether or not they want to perform music or focus on being behind the scenes. Although their heart may desire performing on a stage in front of thousands of people if they know they’ll be more productive composing music then that is what they should go with. When following your passion use discernment because people easily lose sight of the bigger picture. Passion usually comes from the heart but be sure to use your mind so that all of the time and effort invested doesn’t go wasted. If you really want to succeed in living out your passion then analyze your progress over different periods of time. Ask yourself if your talents and skills are being utilized in a way that will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Do as much research as possible.
In order to be great at anything, it’s important to know as much about it as possible. Read books about the subject and volunteer to do pro bono work to not only help others but to also learn hands on experience. When you do your research beforehand it helps prepare you for what lies ahead. Those who plan usually are more organized which helps them become more successful because there is little to no room for error.

Make a list of people who are where you want to be.
After doing your homework, I’m sure you will come across a few names of people in your field of interest who have been able to reach the level of professionalism that you’re seeking. Try to find out what methods they used to get to where they are now and what their failures were. Purchase their books, attend their seminars, watch their videos, and email them your inquires if possible. The idea behind this isn’t to imitate them but to learn as much as you can and maybe even take things up a notch from what they did.

Start doing what you love, even if you don’t have a business plan.
So you don’t exactly have a business plan yet, well so what! The point is to follow your passion and do what you love. Eventually the other pieces will fall in place. Allow time to take it’s course; Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Don’t Make Money Your Primary Consideration.
Of course we’d all like to do something we love and make a great income from it but it can be difficult to accomplish that in the beginning stages. Be prepared to work for free or less than what you might have imagined when you first start out until you’ve created a name for yourself that your work ethic can attest for.

When you love something, the idea is to love it deeper, stronger, and better each day. You’ll know how passionate you are by how much you are willing to work at it. Brainstorming means coming up with new ideas to elevate your work and take things to the next level. Challenge yourself and your peers!

Practice, and practice, and practice some more.
I’m not sure if perfect exists but the only way to find out is to practice as often as you can. Practice until you find your purpose, be passionate about it, and make it become your paycheck.

[By: Nyia Moore]

Is indecision killing your business dreams?


Life is challenging, broad, and difficult. It also has its rewards. The rewards stem from the ability to go after our goals and dreams to be successful. More than ever, decision making and having the strength to choose what’s the next step. To accomplish our dreams can be hesitant and critical. Are you going through life right now being controlled with fear in making the next step to move forward? Are you stuck into the realm of confusion?

Decision making in choosing what’s right for your business goals has to be a uplifting and assure outcome. You have to come up with a clear and concise plan. To achieve and embark on the goals that you set for yourself. Choosing the path of being active in your business will have to be positive and grand experience. Having a positive attitude is the most important factor in making decisions. Being positive helps with being logical and being able to explain your short term and long term goals down the business road.

Researching what you want to do is imperative in making goals. Going online and reading credible sources in your type of business is helpful. Networking with people in your career field will help gain relationships and guidance. Networking also helps learning and experiencing the highlights and importance of your business. Engaging in groups with other professional women is concrete to the success of moving into the right direction.

You are the creator of your passion. Your passion is what sets the blaze of integrity. That integrity will guide you to the importance of your goals. You will have to be focus and be strong. Know that what you put your mind to will reap the rewards. The benefits of the journey will come. In order to experience those benefits; you have to stop over-thinking, and never under estimate your potential.

Writing your dreams and goals in journals are also important. Writing is also the introduction to the start of your potential. You have to see your thoughts to start the decision factor of your business. It’s important to see your thoughts on paper. Your thoughts will guide you into the steps of being active while creating your business.

We all have a story and we all have to start somewhere. That somewhere will take us to places that we’ve always dreamed. Read the biographies of other businesswomen and use their stories as a gatekeeper of creating your own. Your journey will be active and victorious. Create your own triumph with the stones and build mountains with your dedication. Be vigilant willing to learn, and use the resources that are available to you, to help you to be decisive.

The world is yours and you can and will achieve your goals. You will stumble and you will fall. Just get back up and move. Move in the direction that you want to go. Reach the pinnacle of your success by being active. Winning is the objective and you will win by being productive. Productivity is reaching new heights. Be your own visionary and create your story. You will succeed – just move.


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3 Signs you Aren’t Living up to your Potential

Have you ever stopped to really take into consideration how you’re living life? Do you make the most of your talents, time, and opportunities? Do you seek out fulfilling experiences and relationships? If not, then you may be living a small life. In order to take full advantage of the time we have here on earth, it is imperative that we constantly evaluate ourselves to ensure we’re progressing. So, to help find out if any of the questions above apply to you, below are three signs that you are living a miniature life.

You plan more than your produce. When it comes to this thing called life, for the most part many of us have some type of plans whether they’re immediate or for the future. Planning things out is important and a wonderful habit however, the problem comes in when we do more planning than actually producing and executing. If you spend countless days and hours making plans then find yourself second guessing and contemplating if you should go through with them; you may need to discover how to keep from repeating this negative mindset. Think of all the time we have wasted on psyching ourselves out of the things we’ve always wanted to do, then imagine what we could have accomplished in that time. A little frightening right? Sometimes when we plan many things at once or we are trying to do something for the first time, it can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating but if you already believe the outcome will be bad; it will prevent you from performing well. To make life easier on yourself try not to make too many plans all at once. Focus on the important task at hand and don’t stop until it’s completed. Also, prioritizing your plans will make things less stressful. Don’t allow laziness or fear of failure keep you from following things through because you don’t know if you never try. You’ll be more disappointed later on in life at the things you didn’t have the courage to pursue than if you gave something your best shot and it didn’t work out.
You often seek validation. One of the greatest feelings is knowing we have made our loved ones proud of us but praise and permission are two different things. Seeking validation is almost synonymous with asking for permission or approval for how you should live your life. When you constantly look for validation, it becomes the basis for what you consider to be right, wrong, acceptable, and unacceptable. While the opinion of others can be useful, it shouldn’t supersede your true thoughts, feelings, opinions, wants, or likes. After all, those are the things that make you unique in the first place. If you continue to look for others approval in everything you’ll eventually be stripped of your identity and end up very unhappy. Trust yourself enough to enjoy the things that bring you pleasure without doubting if it’s okay. Pride yourself in confidence!
You envy others success. When you’re on the outside looking in, of course it seems as if everyone else has it better than you but that’s not reality. Nobody ever has it all together; all the time. Someone may have a better job, house, or car than you do but that doesn’t mean they’re more successful because success can be measured in many ways. Always keep in mind that even if someone is more successful; they still struggle and face different adversities. They just might differ from the battles you deal with. Whatever accolades or accomplishments someone else has is nothing to be envious of but is more so something you should look up to. Use others success stories as motivation to create your own. When you wish for things that someone else has it’s a sign that you aren’t satisfied with your life. It represents what you desire and don’t have. Get in touch with your gratitude because just like you are wishing for the life that someone appears to have, there is probably someone else who would do anything to have yours.
The wonderful thing about realizing you aren’t living up to your full potential is that it’s never too late to start heading in the right direction. Discovering that you have a problem is half of the solution. There may be some things you need to work on but don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember to take credit for what you’re doing right and enjoy the journey of bettering your life.

[By Nyia Moore]

4 Reasons to Discover YOUR Passion

When someone asks you, “what are you passionate about?” Have you thought about what that really means? Do you know what passion is to you? Passion is “an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something”. Intense and compelling are the keywords describing what passion feels like. A passion is something you feel in your bones, it is what drives you and motivates you. Can you think of what gives you that intense and compelling feeling in your bones? Oprah says, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you”. Here are the 4 reasons to focus on what compels and excites YOU!

It’s your driving force
A passion is a driving force, something like a road map for your life. It will get you from point A to point B in this crazy thing we call life. In this society we are living in, not recognizing or acknowledging you passion can be detrimental simply because not knowing means you are allowing some other force to guide you. It is easy to get caught up in what looks good over what feel good. Allowing money, other people, etc. to become what drives you won’t lead to sustainable success. When you allow outside forces to drive you, you are setting yourself up for long term unhappiness. Money, other people, and materials can only keep you extrinsically happy and motivated for so long, but your passion is something that will bring you joy intrinsically. You will still have rough days, but knowing that you’re pursuing something with personal meaning will bring a long term happiness that cannot be purchased.

It’s your personal journey
What excites you, what gives you that feeling of intense emotion, reflects not only who you are and what you feel, but it impacts everything around you. Your entire perspective in life comes from those strong, intense feelings you have. To quote the book The Alchemist,
“When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” This will prove to be true if you are truly working toward that intrinsically compelling feeling. At some point you will realize that all things truly do work together for good, and your passion will become so much more than just a feeling, it will become a reality in which you are living, working, and enjoying daily. The universe wants to work in your favor, but you have to take the first steps.

It will help you stay focused
When you are involved in something that you wake up excited about, it makes your grind all the more worth it. You will be able to get through those late nights and early mornings, because you are working hard to build a life around something that you truly love. You can always see the difference between a person who is doing what they are passionate about versus a person who is doing something just to get by. The person who is focused on their passion, is the person you see working at 2am and being back up at 6am to continue their grind. These are the people who are rarely complaining about how tired they are, and they are most certainly never complaining about the work they are putting in, no matter how many long and tireless hours they have put in the last 72 hours. These are the people who turn out to be the Oprah’s, P. Diddy’s, and Jay-Z’s of the world because they are working from a place of passion that have led them to a greater success than they could have imagined at first.

It will be worth it
In the long run finding your passion and working through it will be rewarding to yourself and the world around you. It’s something that is already inside of you, ready to be nurtured and developed into something that will go beyond anything you can imagine for yourself. It is amazing the things that will develop as you begin to follow that intrinsic road map to success. Opportunities you would have never thought of will begin to appear and you will be fulfilled through the work you do and not just by the monetary rewards. Your personal and professional growth will flourish as you follow your passion, and you may even find you have many passions that will lead to much success on your own terms.

There’s no better time than the present to begin searching for what your true passion is and beginning to explore ways of pursuing it. Remember your passion is your personal road map to success in life. Start with asking yourself what compels and excites you?

Which person do you want to be? Do you want to be the person who wakes up every morning dreading going to work, only going for the check? Or do you want to be the person who wakes up excited to see where their passion will take them next?

[By latisha]

The Signs Your Work Week is Killing You

It took me sometime to write this and trust me when I say I’m writing this from a first hand experience. The work week and even your weekends are essential to your well being. The choices you make in each of those 7 days influence how your week goes, which influences how your month goes, which influences how your year goes, and so on. There are 7 ways of the week that can lead you to emotionally and mentally draining yourself for a lifetime if you do not actively make the decision to change them. Discontent, bad attitudes, poor nutrition and physical wellness, lack of motivation, distraction, anticipation, and hustle and bustle will all lead to your mental and emotional death.

Sunday-You’re already dreading your week
Discontent is one of the biggest mental killers. Your attitude and perception on life is what fuels your week. If on Sunday evening as you think about your upcoming work week you already dreading the tasks of the week, you have already taken the first step into having a “bad” week. Being discontent is a sign of being emotionally and/or mentally drained. The first warning sign of the drainage is constant and consistent complaining about the work you have to do this week. Pay attention to the words you are using Sunday night. Are you saying “I’m so excited to see my new client tomorrow” or “God I hate Mondays?”

The statements of discontent shape your views for the week. You will have a horrible Monday because the you’ve already decided to. How can you change your view of discontent? It can be as easy as changing your mind on how your day will go or a more difficult tasks, as finding a new job or something that brings you more joy than your current situation. Only you will know what you need to break the cycle of discontentment.

Monday- You walked in with an attitude
Your attitude for your work week was set on Sunday evening, but Monday morning you have the choice to decide if you are going to go through the week with a good or bad attitude. Going through your day with a bad attitude can lead to unhappy clients or customers, bosses or employees who will feed off of your attitude, and other people you may come into contact with throughout the week will get the vibes of your attitude.

Each day set your intention to have a positive attitude, even on a rough day. It will make a difference on how your week actually goes. I’ll share an example from my day today. Today I went into work and decided I was going to have a good day. All went well until 2pm when I got a parking ticket, then locked my keys in my car when I was going to pay it. I easily could have been angry and upset, but I decided to keep the good attitude I intended for myself, and once I got back into my car I let that situation go. I had set my intention for the day and I stuck to it. I didn’t allow myself to get wrapped up in negativity, because in the long run it wasn’t worth it. Once you set your intention for the week you have to stay committed and actively decide in each moment of your day that you will not let the events of the day change your attitude.

Tuesday- Where’s the coffee
Lack of sleep, nutritious food, and exercise can lead to a week of disdain. How you are treating your body will lead to how your mind and body co-exist throughout the week. Are you feeling tired before you even get your work day started? Are you on a third or fourth cup of coffee before 10am everyday? Your body is telling you that you are mistreating it and your mind is probably having difficulties staying alert due to this. Your body will tell you what it needs and that lack of energy is one of the biggest signs your body can send you.

Be aware of the signs your body is giving you and respond to them effectively. If you are having more cups of coffee per day than you have hours of sleep, you probably have programmed your body to expect the coffee which in turn keeps you up at night. Maybe decreasing a cup or two of coffee and adding an hour or two more of sleep will help your body be more effective throughout the day. Make a daily routine that includes some type of physical activity and a healthy diet will also provide you with natural energy to get through your days. Taking care of your body is essential to your mental and emotional health because it is all intertwined to make you the best that you can be.

Wednesday- Where is Friday?
You were discontent on Sunday, had an attitude Monday, was tired and hungry on Tuesday, and now it is Wednesday, better known to most as Hump Day. Wednesday is an important day because you are halfway through your week. Most of us get to Wednesday and all we can think about is Friday and how much you will enjoy the end of the week. We focus so much on the end of the week, we lose perspective of the work that still needs to be done in our week. This lack of motivation can be difficult to overcome. Hump Day let’s our mind drift to the end of the weekend and all of our plans for the weekend to come. We are daydreaming through the next 3 days of work, until we reach a point we realize we haven’t actually done any work at all through the day. It can be difficult to be motivated through Wednesday.

Wednesday is not the end of the week, yet it’s the day we usually stop giving our all (if we were ever giving our all), but it is necessary to find the motivation to do good and efficient work. The motivation you have in the workplace on can reflect on your motivation in life. If you are not doing your best work at work, where are you allowing that energy to flow? Finding motivation when it is the hardest to do will be useful for your future endeavors and reaching your goals, practicing it now will only build your ability to stay motivated through difficult circumstances in the future.

Thursday- Distracted Much?
If you were distracted by the idea of the weekend on Wednesday, by Thursday you are probably totally disengaged from the work week and the idea of accomplishing tasks, especially if you are in a job or position that you are intrinsically unhappy with. Distractions are come much easier at this point in the week and your ability to focus even on the simplest tasks becomes more difficult if you haven’t been taking care of your body throughout the week also.

Thursdays are a good day to practice techniques that will help you gain focus. It is a challenging day in the week because you are so close to the end but still have things you need to accomplish at work. Practicing yoga or meditation is a helpful way to learn to channel your focus throughout your day. Maybe it’s not that you are completely distracted from your work, but possibly just overwhelmed with what all needs to be done. Learning to use mindfulness techniques to assist you in focusing on one tasks at a time can be useful for days like this. Giving yourself a skill set around your ability to focus will be useful as you grow in your career and your work, and will help you be the most inefficient you can be throughout all of your days.

Friday- Oh TGIF!
It’s finally here, the day you have been day dreaming about since at least Wednesday. Your work is finished (or at least you are finished working), and you have rushed out of the office to enjoy your weekend. You are going to hang out with your friends for happy hour or maybe meeting your significant other for dinner. You’ve rushed the week by and have landed on the beginning of the weekend.

Friday’s are meant to be enjoyed but there is no need to rush through your entire week for it. Having patience and taking the time to enjoy your days, no matter how busy and hectic they may be is important. Each day you have is one that will not return so practice not allowing yourself to spend all week waiting for Friday, and joy the days that come before it as well.

Saturday- Turn Down For What?
Friday has come and gone and now it is Saturday, a day full of shopping, soccer games, hanging out with friends and family, and many other things to keep your day “off”, very busy. You do a lot of errands on Saturday and on Saturday night you want to enjoy your evening so you make plans to do something fun.

At this point in the week you have looked forward to your day “off” so much you probably haven’t really considered actually making it a day off, a day to reboot and recover from your hectic week. Sometimes a day of self-care and relaxation is needed in place of the very busy day aka the “turn up” that Saturday generally brings. Consider planning at least one Saturday a month to use as a day of rest and relaxation. Many of us spend the whole week focusing on work and others that we miss vital opportunities for self-care. It is not selfish to take a day to yourself, but it can be very necessary for your overall well being.

You have a choice at the beginning of each day to decide on how you will treat yourself. Will you treat your mind, body and spirit with kindness and practice ways of satisfaction, better attitudes, nutrition and sleep, focus, and self-care or will you allow yourself to be in a place of discontent, bad attitudes, poor nutrition and physical wellness, lack of motivation, and distraction, anticipation, and hustle and bustle? It is your choice and a choice you have to consciously make each day.

What signs would you add?

Ready to make a mental or physical change? I can help. Sign up for a free discovery session HERE.

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[contributor, Latisha]

Goal setting: You have as many hours in a day as Beyonce


As a mother, business woman, wife, and entertainer Beyoncé also known as Mrs. Flawless herself seems to always have it all together and you can too! No matter how busy or hectic things may seem, the truth of the matter is that you have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé. What does that actually mean? It’s a simple reminder that you are fully capable of achieving all the things you hope, wish for, and desire.

So what has the queen Bey taught us about conquering it all thus far? Well for starters, in her song Diva she states that “A diva is a female version of a hustla.” Think of a hustler as someone who works hard to accomplish their goals, doing whatever necessary to make it, despite the circumstances they are in or any adversities they are faced with. Women are diva’s because we make things happen for ourselves and our families without ever making excuses.

Who runs the world? We do! That’s right we are no longer looked at as just mothers and caregivers but now we are also CEO’s, Scientists, and Politicians too. We have broken barriers and raised the bar higher for future female leaders to come. Balancing a career and family is now the standard.Yonce has reminded us that we are “Smart enough to make these millions, strong enough to bear the children, then get back to business.”

If you want to be able to have stability in your career and home life then you will have to master the art of multitasking and time management. These things will take some time getting used to but once you’ve fully committed to doing so, the rest is easy. Understand that this is not only an adjustment for you, but for your friends and family as well. In order to tackle on several different aspects of your career and motherhood at once, everyone needs to be on board and ready to support you.
Time is of the essence; don’t squander it by not using it wisely. One of the best ways to stay organized is to create a monthly schedule and a daily to do list. Put the most important tasks at the top, even if they aren’t things you necessarily want to do. Also include personal projects so that you have something to look forward to. Everyone knows that when you live an active on the go lifestyle it can be difficult to get work done, so keep it with you for when you have extra time. For example, the train ride to and from work or while waiting at an appointment.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Knowing what time of the day you are more productive helps because you’ll be more efficient if you work when you’re at your best or in your comfort zone. Dedicate certain periods of time for work, family, and being social. Not only is it vital to create schedules but budgeting your time properly is a huge part of making the most out of your days. Figure out how much time it takes you to complete certain activities and tasks then determine how much free time is left after you handle all of your responsibilities, doing so will keep you from overwhelming yourself when taking on extra commitments. If you find yourself focusing on unimportant things, procrastinating, or getting side tracked use your goals as motivation. The idea is to be consistent and continually make progress. Be ambitious!

“I took some time to live my life, but don’t think I’m just his little wife,” of course we love and adore our significant others but we don’t have to walk in their shadows, or in the shadows of any man. We have our own passions, hobbies, and dreams to fulfill. Choosing to have a life separate from being a wife and a mother doesn’t make you any less of a woman, in fact it makes you even more phenomenal. It’s not about having to sacrifice one for the other but more so finding balance so that everything is completed successfully and everyone is happy.

In a recent ad campaign to ban the word bossy because it causes young girls to be less interested in leadership than boys, Beyoncé ended it by saying “I’m not bossy, I’m the boss.” If we all looked at ourselves as the bosses over our own lives, we can empower each other and begin turning the things we dream about into reality.

“I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here. I did, I’ve done everything that I wanted and it was more than I thought it would be, I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here.” Those lyrics from the song entitled “I was here” is exactly what life is all about. How will you utilize your twenty-four hour days to do the things you’ve always wanted to because after all if Beyoncé can do it, so can you!

What are you big goals for the month, year?

[By Nyia Moore]